Leigh Scott offers parental support and the Child’Space Method to address the healthy social, emotional and motor development of babies from birth to walking.

One of Leigh’s baby groups.

Curiosity, Play and Movement Drive a Baby’s Learning


About Leigh

Leigh Scott is a Certified Child’Space Method Practitioner.

The Child’Space Method has incorporated somatic practices with the wisdom and research of the cutting edge new science of children's minds. We now know much more about how a baby's brain functions and learns.  Babies have a highly developed sensory nervous system, so they respond quickly and achieve robust developmental progress when given respectful and attuned somatic and kinesthetic cues. 

Leigh is the author of her own parenting programs with more than 35 years in private practice in the Hudson Valley. Her work with parents started after having her own children in 1985 and 1987, when she realized how complicated a job parenting is. Especially now, if you have no tribe around for guidance and support to sort through the plethora of confusing information online.

Leigh's training in the Feldenkrais and Child'Space Methods, combined with her extensive study of the attachment research by Dan Seigel and other social neuroscientists, led to her focus on babies in the first year.

After years as a postpartum doula with hands-on experience handling hundreds of infants, Leigh offers these ground-breaking somatic approaches to parents and their children, specifically supporting each developmental stage of infants in their first year and how to include the whole family in that miracle and joy!

Leigh’s certifications and experience include:

  • Chava Shelhav’s Certified Child’Space Practitioner
  • Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Teacher & Practitioner
  • Conscious Discipline Parenting Course
  • Dan Siegel’s Mindsight Lectures & Psychology Study Group
  • Certified Love and Logic Parenting Facilitator
  • Certified Ohashiatsu Instructor & Massage Therapist
  • Author and Teacher of “Parenting with Insight.” & “Your Baby’s First Year”
Learn more about Child’Space Method
Babies learn to roll in many different ways. The possibilities are endless because rolling involves coordinating 5 cardinal movements - Flexion, extension, side bending and rotaing-which can be put together in many different ways to initiate a roll. It is more important for a baby to roll, than it is even to crawl, although both are pretty important. This baby uses side bending and pressing against the floor
In a Child'Space lesson, Leigh helps a baby kinesthetically map transitional movements that lead to a function and then shows parents how to do the same.

In this lesson a baby feels the sensation of bearing weight on his knees and then feels how to spiral around to a sitting position. Then his attention is on a toy he wants, so he first feels how to rotate and bear weight with his palms to gradually get to the floor and then press with his feet and legs to belly crawl toward the toy he wants.
One in four babies can have some version of Torticollis and it is not often caught by a pediatrician early on. In this photo it presents as a right side bend in the neck and rotation to the left. The Child'Space Method's somatic and integrated approach can be very effective in preventing complications, if left untreated, especially when attended to in a baby's first few months.


"Leigh works intimately with families and children, creatively combining somatic approaches to motor development with cutting edge social neuroscience. The work is so intuitive, grounding, gentle and profound.

She has given our family so many simple tools with which to support Edith’s journey to herself. She has helped us and Edith find confidence and joy in the process of an unfolding natural mind/body development."

- Caitlin & Justin Greene

“We first met Leigh Scott just before our eldest son was born.
Leigh has a remarkable knowledge of infant development, especially over the first year of life and how to support this naturally unfolding ability within babies.
My husband and I refer to Leigh Scott as the baby whisperer because of her ability to connect and engage with babies.
One of the most astounding examples of this is how our newborn responded when in her arms.
He moved and stretched himself in a way we had not seen him do when we held him.
Through her face-to-face playful interactions she observes and supports babies through whatever developmental movements they are doing.
Whether our son was in her arms, on his back, belly, reaching out for a toy, learning to roll or beginning to crawl, Leigh delighted in getting down on the floor and connecting with him while giving us tips to support normal healthy movement.
We were so grateful for Leigh’s baby Feldenkrais classes and one-on-one sessions."

- Erin and Steve Davis and babies Jude, Boden & Niva

"I first met Leigh as a colleague in a psychology study group, where she introduced me to the Feldenkrais Method of healing. I soon became a client of hers to treat my subtle and longstanding physical muscle tensions. The experience was extremely helpful.
Besides just the physical benefits of the Feldenkrais Method, part of my healing process was the interaction with Leigh herself.  
She is a beautiful soul – intelligent, thoughtful, calm, and wise. Leigh also coached my daughter on how to use movement and touch to deepen her connection with my three month old grandchild . After knowing Leigh for five years in our study group and seeing her in action, I highly recommend her to parents and children of all ages."

- Amy P. Schneider, Ph.D., New York, NY

"As soon as Leigh walked in the door she brought such joy and confidence that all of our worries went away. Leigh helped our son on so many different levels both physically and emotionally. Axel flourished after Leigh’s sessions with him as he worked through a pattern of arching that made it hard for him to find mobilization in his early development. Now he is happily on his way to walking independently."

- Stephanie Banham

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